The problem with living forever, of course, is you have to live forever before you know you’re immortal…or invincible. Even the gods, in this way, must always remain uncertain. Time trumps immortality just as uncertainty trumps omniscience, for a knower can only ever know what it knows, never what it doesn’t. (attrib: F.L. Vanderson) – Mort W. Lumsden, Citations: A Brief Anthology

The problem with living forever, of course, is you have to live forever before you know you're immortal...or invincible. Even the gods, in this way, must always remain uncertain. Time trumps immortality just as uncertainty trumps omniscience, for a knower can only ever know what it knows, never what it doesn't. (attrib: F.L. Vanderson) - Mort W. Lumsden, Citations: A Brief Anthology

The problem with living forever, of course, is you have to live forever before you know you’re immortal…or invincible. Even the gods, in this way, must always remain uncertain. Time trumps immortality just as uncertainty trumps omniscience, for a knower can only ever know what it knows, never what it doesn’t. (attrib: F.L. Vanderson) – Mort W. Lumsden, Citations: A Brief Anthology.