Perhaps more surprising, even the rich in developing countries also lag. For example, in Indonesia, the richest quintile has scores around 450–less than the 500 for the poorest quintile in Korea or the same as the poorest quintile in UK. So in poor countries, the richest are still getting a mediocre education, and the poor cannot be said to be getting any education at all

Perhaps more surprising, even the rich in developing countries also lag. For example, in Indonesia, the richest quintile has scores around 450--less than the 500 for the poorest quintile in Korea or the same as the poorest quintile in UK. So in poor countries, the richest are still getting a mediocre education, and the poor cannot be said to be getting any education at all

Perhaps more surprising, even the rich in developing countries also lag. For example, in Indonesia, the richest quintile has scores around 450–less than the 500 for the poorest quintile in Korea or the same as the poorest quintile in UK. So in poor countries, the richest are still getting a mediocre education, and the poor cannot be said to be getting any education at all. (Lant Pritchett, The Rebirth of Education: Schooling Ain’t Learning)

When you learn to say ‘NO’, you activate the faculty of ‘CHOICE’ in your mind ! Some of the times you are the chosen other times you CHOOSE for yourself..and saying NO is a sign that one has graduated into becoming a wise CHOICEMAKER …..

When you learn to say 'NO', you activate the faculty of 'CHOICE' in your mind ! Some of the times you are the chosen other times you CHOOSE for yourself..and saying NO is a sign that one has graduated into becoming a wise CHOICEMAKER .....

When you learn to say ‘NO’, you activate the faculty of ‘CHOICE’ in your mind ! Some of the times you are the chosen other times you CHOOSE for yourself..and saying NO is a sign that one has graduated into becoming a wise CHOICEMAKER …… (Abha Maryada Banerjee, Nucleus: Power Women: Lead from the Core)

[D]oubt, the principle of theoretic freedom, appears to me a crime. … [T]he highest crime is doubt in God, or the doubt that God exists. … [T]hat which I do not trust myself to doubt, … without feeling disturbed in my soul, without incurring guilt; that is no matter of theory, but a matter of conscience[.] – Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

[D]oubt, the principle of theoretic freedom, appears to me a crime. … [T]he highest crime is doubt in God, or the doubt that God exists. … [T]hat which I do not trust myself to doubt, … without feeling disturbed in my soul, without incurring guilt; that is no matter of theory, but a matter of conscience[.] - Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

[D]oubt, the principle of theoretic freedom, appears to me a crime. … [T]he highest crime is doubt in God, or the doubt that God exists. … [T]hat which I do not trust myself to doubt, … without feeling disturbed in my soul, without incurring guilt; that is no matter of theory, but a matter of conscience[.] – Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity