I am. I exist. I embrace my inner quiet and let it replenish me (Amy Leigh Mercree, Joyful Living: 101 Ways to Transform Your Spirit and Revitalize Your Life)
Soulmates don’t choose each other – fate chooses them.
Soulmates don’t choose each other – fate chooses them.
First, I have culled evidence that physical death is not the end of the road for any of us. I know this message is critical because I’ve seen people consumed by fear of death or suffering unbearable grief after losing a loved one. Some can draw into a shell, ceasing all efforts to reach their potential, or even give up on life
First, I have culled evidence that physical death is not the end of the road for any of us. I know this message is critical because I’ve seen people consumed by fear of death or suffering unbearable grief after losing a loved one. Some can draw into a shell, ceasing all efforts to reach their potential, or even give up on life (Mark Ireland, Messages from the Afterlife: A Bereaved Father’s Journey in the World of Spirit Visitations, Psychic-Mediums, and Synchronicity)
The stories are not made, they are discovered
The stories are not made, they are discovered (Chandan Sharma)
In this world, there was nothing scarier than trusting someone. But there was also nothing more rewarding
In this world, there was nothing scarier than trusting someone. But there was also nothing more rewarding (Brad Meltzer, The Inner Circle)
He went through the bills with the jaundiced eye of a China trader, asking himself not whether he had been stolen from, but where the theft had occurred. If he couldn’t find it, that would suggest his factor back home in Shanghai was either cleverer or more honest than he had thought, and Crane didn’t think he was particularly honest
He went through the bills with the jaundiced eye of a China trader, asking himself not whether he had been stolen from, but where the theft had occurred. If he couldn’t find it, that would suggest his factor back home in Shanghai was either cleverer or more honest than he had thought, and Crane didn’t think he was particularly honest (K.J. Charles)
I wish people had as much enthusiasm about unfucking the planet as they did about sports. Who wins on Sunday is pretty goddamned trivial compared to just about anything else
I wish people had as much enthusiasm about unfucking the planet as they did about sports. Who wins on Sunday is pretty goddamned trivial compared to just about anything else (Michael Brewer)
Librarians are on the front lines of an invisible struggle over our information diet and, for better or worse, the scales are not tipping in their direction
Librarians are on the front lines of an invisible struggle over our information diet and, for better or worse, the scales are not tipping in their direction (Peter Morville, Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become)